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The Lowdown on Steeped Tea and Temperature

The Lowdown on Steeped Tea and Temperature
The Lowdown on Steeped Tea and Temperature

As a nation of tea-lovers, we’ve all heard the myths about the “correct” way to make tea. Does the temperature of the water used to steep tea actually affect its flavour or nutritional value? Time to find out the truth behind the hot-tempered debate!

Temperature Matters

For starters, it's important to note that not all teas are created equal, and different varieties require different temperatures in order for you to get the best out of them. But generally, experts agree that boiling water (212°F/100°C) should never be used for any type of tea — this will result in an overly bitter brew. Instead, use slightly cooler water for green tea and white teas (160-180°F/71-82°C), and hotter water for black tea and oolong teas (200-212°F/93-100°C). This lets you access more nuanced flavours from your favourite teas without sacrificing their health benefits.

Flavour Profile

The flavour profile of a particular tea can vary greatly depending on how long it is steeped and at what temperature. Longer steeping times can bring out more tannins in a brew, making it taste more astringent or even bitter. Heating up water too much can also draw out unwanted flavours like sulphur compounds that could be unpleasant. That's why it's important to choose the right temperature when steeping your tea — so you don't end up with something that tastes bad!

Nutritional Value

The nutritional value of your cup of tea depends largely on how long it has been steeped and at what temperature. Some studies have found that higher temperatures can cause some essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to break down faster than they would otherwise. For example, catechins — which are natural antioxidants found in green tea — are especially sensitive to heat. So if you'd like to reap all those amazing health benefits from your favourite cup of green tea, make sure not to overdo it with boiling water!

Whether you're looking for a flavourful cup or a nutritious brew, knowing the right temperature for steeping your chosen type of tea is key! Generally speaking, cooler temperatures are better suited for lighter teas like green and white varieties while hotter temperatures bring out more intense flavours from black and oolong types. Following these simple guidelines will help ensure that every sip of your favourite cup of tea is as good as it can be!


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