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Ideal time & temperature for storing different types of teas

Ideal time & temperature for storing different types of teas
Ideal time & temperature for storing different types of teas

When it comes to tea, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to storing. Depending on the type of tea you drink, certain conditions must be met in order to preserve its freshness and optimise its flavour. In this blog post, we will discuss the ideal temperature and time for storing different types of teas.

Green Tea:

Green tea has a delicate flavour that can easily be compromised if not stored correctly. It should be kept away from heat and light sources at all times, as these can cause green tea to lose its flavour quickly. Green tea should also be stored in an airtight container or bag in order to help preserve its flavour and keep it fresh for a longer period of time. The ideal temperature for storing green tea is between 13°C and 25°C, and it should be consumed within four to six months after being opened.

Black Tea:

Unlike green tea, black teas are more robust in their flavours and can withstand slightly higher temperatures when they’re stored properly. Black tea should still be kept away from heat and light sources, but the ideal storage temperature range is 4°C to 27°C. Additionally, you can store your black teas for up to one year before consuming them if stored properly in an airtight container or bag.

Oolong Tea:

Oolong teas need to be stored in an environment that is slightly cooler than black teas. The ideal temperature range for storing oolong tea is between 10°C and 21°C, and it should be consumed within six to nine months after opening. Oolong teas are particularly sensitive to light and heat, so they need to be stored away from both of these elements.

White Tea:

White teas have a very delicate flavour profile that can easily become compromised if not kept in the right conditions. White tea should ideally be stored at temperatures below 21°C, and in an airtight container or bag. Additionally, white tea should also be consumed as soon as possible after being opened as it has a tendency to lose its flavour quickly (within one to two months).

No matter which type of tea you drink, it’s important to note that these ideal storage conditions should always be followed. Doing so will ensure that your tea stays fresh and flavorful for as long as possible. If you’re ever unsure about how to store a particular type of tea, just refer back to this blog post for guidance!

Properly storing teas is essential in preserving their flavour and freshness. Depending on the type of tea you're drinking, there are specific temperature and time constraints that need to be met in order for it to remain at its best. Green teas should be stored between 13°C and 25°C, black teas 4°C to 27°C, oolong teas 10°C to 21°C, and white teas below 21°C. Following these guidelines will help you make sure that your tea stays fresh and flavourful for as long as possible!

This blog post has provided you with a comprehensive overview of the ideal conditions for storing different types of teas. Be sure to refer back to this blog post if you ever need a refresher on how best to store your favourite teas so that they maintain their flavour and freshness for longer. Happy brewing!


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