Are you a tea enthusiast? Do you love trying out different teas and discovering new ways to enjoy them? If so, then you know that there are many things to consider when it comes to making the perfect cup of tea. Tea is a beloved beverage and there are so many wonderful things that you can do with it. But there are also some things that you must avoid if you want to get the most out of your tea drinking experience. Whether you’re a new tea drinker or an old pro, this guide will help you learn what not to do when it comes to tea.
1. Not using fresh water
One of the most important rules when it comes to making a good cup of tea is using fresh water. Tap water can contain all sorts of minerals and chemicals that can interfere with the flavour of your tea, so it's best to use filtered or bottled water instead. If you're using bottled water, make sure that it's still sealed and hasn't been sitting around for too long.
2. Using too much tea leaves
Another common mistake is using too much tea leaves. Over-brewing your tea can lead to an overly bitter and astringent taste. To avoid this, measure out your desired amount of tea leaves—usually about 1 teaspoon per cup—and only steep for 2-3 minutes at most. This should give you a nice balance between flavour and bitterness.
3. Not letting tea settle before pouring
When pouring freshly brewed tea into a cup or teapot, be sure to let it settle for a few moments before pouring again. This will help ensure that any sediment from the leaves does not end up in your cup or teapot, giving your tea an unpleasantly gritty texture.
4. Boiling the water overly hot
When making tea, it’s important not to boil your water too hot. If the water is too hot, it can burn the delicate leaves, which can cause them to release a bitter flavor. The ideal temperature for brewing tea ranges between 80°C and 100°C, depending on the type of tea being brewed. For green and white teas, use lower temperatures around 80°C - 85°C; for black teas, use higher temperatures around 93°C - 100°C.
5. Leaving your tea steeping too long
Another common mistake people make when making tea is leaving their tea steeping for too long. While some teas require longer steep times than others (usually 6-8 minutes), oversteeping can make your tea taste bitter and unpleasant. To ensure that your tea doesn't become bitter due the oversteeping of its leaves, make sure to set a timer so that you don't forget about it while it's steeping!
6. Overlooking the storage options
Finally, don't overlook storage options when buying your favourite loose leaf teas or tea bags. It's important to store your teas properly in order for them to retain their freshness and flavour for as long as possible — otherwise, they'll lose their flavour quickly! Most types of loose leaf teas should be stored in airtight containers away from any source of heat or light in order for them to stay fresh longer. Teabags should also be stored in airtight containers away from heat and light sources — however, if stored properly they will usually keep their freshness much longer than loose leaf teas.
Tea can be an incredibly enjoyable experience when done correctly — but there are some things that you should avoid doing if you want to get the most out of your cup of tea! Brewing the perfect cup of tea isn't as easy as it looks! There are lots of factors involved that can affect the final outcome. With these tips in mind, you'll be sure to enjoy every sip!