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A British Guide to White Tea

A British Guide to White Tea
A British Guide to White Tea

As Britain’s national beverage, tea is an integral part of our daily lives. But what is white tea? And why is it so expensive? Let’s take a look at this luxurious variety of tea and discuss the reasons behind its costliness.

What is White Tea?

White tea is a type of tea that comes from the Camellia sinensis plant, just like green and black teas. The difference between white tea and other types of tea lies in how it is processed. Whereas green and black teas are withered, rolled, and dried after being picked, white tea leaves are left to wither naturally before they are gently steamed and dried. This processing method preserves more of the antioxidants found in the leaves than any other kind of tea.

The result is a light-coloured cup of liquid with a sweet, delicate taste and no bitterness. White teas also have fewer caffeine levels than other types of teas—making them ideal for those who want to enjoy the flavour without being overwhelmed by caffeine content.

Why Is White Tea So Expensive?

White teas are among the most expensive varieties due to their rarity and labour-intensive harvesting process. They are usually handpicked while still young, which means that only limited amounts can be harvested each season. Furthermore, because white teas need to be harvested early in the morning when dew still covers the leaves (to ensure maximum freshness), farmers must work through the night in order to pick them on time. This increases production costs significantly since most farmers cannot afford to hire full-time help for such short-term work.

All things considered, white tea has earned its reputation as one of Britain’s most luxurious beverages due to its rarity, labor-intensive harvesting process, low caffeine levels, and delightful flavor. Whether you choose it for its health benefits or simply out of curiosity—or both—it’s definitely worth giving this special type of tea a try!


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